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Ecological problems in Russia and abroad

Диалог по теме "Экологические проблемы" поможет более детально охватить на уроке английского тему "Экология" благодаря обширному лексическому материалу. Можно использовать как вспомогательный материал (раздаточный) для работы на уроке


Содержимое разработки

A: -Hi everybody. Today we have a special guest in our TV program Alex Raley. Alex, I’m very nice to meet you today we are going to discuss a great problem of environment in your country and abroad. What can you say about the ecological situation in USA?

B: Here, in United States, we have a very special and constant observation of the Earth' environment and throughout two decades we see that some ecological problems, like coastal surges, irreversible climate change and global warming became very significant.

A: Russian ecological and geografical scientists observe no global warming but global cooling. I guess the new ice age is started.

B: It is impossible, because everything on our planet tells that global temperature is raising, it becomes higher and higher every year.

A: I mean that the real case is result of a longer process of cooling. Look at summer temperatures and you can find that this is a reason of destruction of ecosystems.

B: factory emissions (выбросы завода), transport gases, carbon dioxide that destruct the Earth atmosphere and let the x-rays from sun freely pass through it and heat the planet

A: Yes, but its just mass media point of view. Besides, Russian scientists proved that modulated by cosmic ray flux is a dominant contributor to climate change. These rays do not heat the planet, but they distort (искажают) earth's living skin and slowly make our planet cold and empty. And what American environmentalists think about space debris (космический мусор)?

B: Ok. I think that we will not come to the same opinion.

Well, our environmentalists are focused only on our planet environment, because the space is a scientific area for specialists from NASA.

A: Federal space Agensy of Russian Federation believes that last ten years we have the increase in global cloud cover

B: Is it connected with space debris?

A: Absolutely. It goes to the loss of frequent precipitation such as hail and snow as rain . It occurs due to the interaction of the atmosphere and ocean. Space debris affects the atmosphere and researchers of sunspots is predicted in 2030 the beginning of global cooling.

B: I think that you are mistaken. Space debris can not affect the atmosphere except some rather small particles than can be called "The space dust" the same as radioactive rays and emissions

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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