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In the field of physical training and sports in my country new age

“I'm leaving four doctors behind. They are: sun, fresh air, water and physical education.” Abu Ali Ibn Sino.

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I'm leaving four doctors behind.

They are: sun, fresh air, water and physical education.”

Abu Ali Ibn Sino.

At the heart of a number of reforms being carried out in our country today is the idea of ​​improving the living standards of the people, creating a spiritually and physically healthy environment for all segments of the population, strengthening health. Therefore, at the same time, the focus on physical culture and sports has become an important socio-political task of national importance.

In connection with the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" all segments of the population, especially the younger generation to create modern conditions for regular participation in sports, to strengthen the confidence of young people to have their own will, strength and capabilities through sports competitions, to develop courage, patriotism, devotion to the motherland, as well as youth. It is gratifying, of course, that large-scale work is being done to improve the system of selection of talented athletes, in general, to further develop physical culture and sports.

The construction of world-class sports facilities in various regions of the country, the systematic organization of sports games among schoolchildren and students have begun to bear fruit.

Representatives of Uzbekistan have won the Olympic Games, World Championships, Asian Games and international competitions. Sport is not only the basis of physical and mental health, but also a means of protecting young people who enter life with high hopes from various harmful foreign ideas and habits, giving them the full realization of their abilities and talents. Therefore, in recent years, our country has signed a number of legal and regulatory documents in this regard.

On June 3, 2017, the resolution "On measures to further develop physical culture and mass sports", on March 5, 2018, the decree "On measures to radically improve the state system in the field of physical culture and sports" and the transformation of the Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports into a ministry in accordance with this decree, as well as the Cabinet of Ministers of January 29, 2019 "On the promotion of healthy lifestyles and involvement of the population in physical and mass sports in Uzbekistan." The adoption of the resolutions of February 13, 2019 "On approval of the Concept of development of physical and mass sports in Uzbekistan for 2019-2023" marks the beginning of a new stage in the field of physical culture and sports in Uzbekistan.

President Sh. Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on December 29, 2018

"We will continue to attach great importance to the rapid development of sports, the encouragement and support of athletes who have achieved high results in international competitions," he said. In order to promote sports among our younger generation, we will establish sports schools for children and adolescents in the most remote areas, ”he said.

Today, wrestling is recognized worldwide as the national sport of the Uzbek people. He won the love of foreign experts with his charm, fighting spirit and honesty. At the same time, "wrestling", "honest", "half-hearted", "sideways", "time", "bow", "stop", "shoulder", "void", We are proud of the fact that Uzbek terms such as "draw" resonate around the world.

In order to further develop and popularize wrestling among the population and minors, to strengthen the sense of national pride and patriotism in the younger generation, the measures taken by President Sh. Mirziyoyev on October 2, 2017 to further develop the national sport "Kurash" The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the development of the national sport" gave impetus to the further development of the national sport. According to the resolution, in the direction of "Kurash" increase the quotas for admission to higher and secondary special, vocational education institutions, the winners of the Asian Wrestling Games, Asian and World Championships, as well as the championship of Uzbekistan. Preferential admission procedures have been introduced in educational institutions.

Physical education helps a child get acquainted with big sports. He will learn about our country and the strongest athletes. Especially when dealing with the educational tasks of preschool physical education, the educator prepares the child for school at the same time.

Solving a wide range of educational tasks in the process of physical education is also very important. They are:

- daily need for exercise;

- be able to use exercise wisely in independent activities;

- to make actions flexible, expressive, subtle;

- independence, creativity, initiative;

- Exercise skills.

The health, education, and upbringing functions of physical education are closely intertwined. The process of physical education of preschool and primary school children should be organized in such a way that the above-mentioned tasks should be solved simultaneously.

Only then will the child have the necessary basis for a more comprehensive, not only physical but also spiritual development. They help a child develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and mentally and physically ready for work and school.

Various means are used to solve the problems of physical education, such as exercise, hygienic factors, morning gymnastics, natural factors of nature, diet, work and rest, various forms of mass sports.

In conclusion, physical education prepares a child for life. All of the above tasks of physical education are solved as a whole. Exercise develops basic physical qualities and abilities, strengthens health, expands the functional capacity of the body, forms a culture of movement, develops a strong interest in physical education and sports-health activities and a positive emotional-value attitude. , physical education and sports, their history and modern development, the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

A person who engages in physical activity and sports in the morning will not only be physically fit, but will also be spiritually healthy. There are a lot of people who do sports today, but not everyone is a regular. In order to further strengthen the health of the population staying at home in quarantine conditions, to give them physical and mental freshness, and thus to warn them of various diseases, it is necessary to organize practical exercises in early morning in strict accordance with quarantine rules. overcome. The key to a healthy and happy life depends not only on physical health, but also on emotions.

There is no limit to human perfection. The constant pursuit of perfection is the cause of progress. Especially if young people have such qualities as humanity, courage, bravery, patriotism, patriotism, diligence, honesty, integrity, love, loyalty, respect for the elder, respect for the younger, respect for parents, the pursuit of knowledge. or if they strive for these lofty human qualities throughout their lives, they will surely attain perfection.

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