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Конспект урока английского языка по теме:" Questions in reported speech"

Введение и первичное закрепление грамматики: трансформация вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь

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Люлина Н.М.учитель английского языка ГБОУ школа № 129

Конспект урока английского языка, УМК «Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З. 8 класс. Тема «Questions in Reported speech»

Цели: введение и первичное закрепление грамматики: трансформация вопросительных предложений в косвенную речь.
Задачи:  1.Ввести новое грамматическое правило;  активизировать уже
                  полученные ранее знания по теме «Reported speech»;
                2. Способствовать развитию речевой догадки, языковых навыков
                   устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке, внимания;
                3. Воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу, культуру

Наглядность и оборудование: ноутбук, экран, аудиозапись упр.83 стр.79, видеозапись “Questions in reported speech”, учебник английского языка Биболетова М.З. 8 класс.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент
-Good morning, pupils!
-Good morning, teacher!
-I’m glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
Ok. What is the weather like today?
- The weather is sunny but windy. It’s warm outside.
Today you will revise the rule of the last lesson and learn to transform questions into the reported speech. But before it we will check up your homework. 
(Проверка домашнего задания, правило упр.79)

II. Фонетическая зарядка
Let’s start with pronunciation. Open your books at p.79. Follow the speaker and repeat the following words. Mind the pronunciation of –ed!
Well done! So could you tell me how can –ed be read in different words?
P: -d, -t, -id.
T: You are quite right!

III. Активизация материала прошлого урока.
Now we’ll try to remember the rules of making the reported speech and do an exercise and a pair of test orally and written. ).
Ex. 1 Make these sentences in reported speech.
1) “I’m going to read a book this week”. 
Я сказал, что…
2) “We will do our best in the exams tomorrow”. 
Джейсон и Виктория сказали мне, что…
3) “We will go to the same place next year”. 
Трейси надеялась…
4) “I fell in love with a Spanish girl”. 
Патрик подумал, что …
5) “The Earth is a planet”. 
Он сказал, что…
6) “I will be here again on Monday”. 
Она знала, что…

1. I said that I was going to read a book that week. 
2. Jason and Victoria told me that they would do their best in the exams the next day. 
3. Tracy hoped they would go to the same place next year. 
4. Patrick thought that he had fallen in love with a Spanish girl. 
5. He said that the Earth is a planet. 
6. She knew that she would be there again on Monday. 
Ex. 2 Transform these sentences in reported speech (on-line test).

IV. Введение грамматики.
I see that you can use statements in the reported speech. Today you will learn to use questions. We are going to watch a grammar video by S. Chernyshov, the teacher of English language. Open your work books, write down the date and the theme of the lesson “Questions in Reported speech”. Make notes while watching the video. Look at the screen please.
(Дети смотрят видео урок по теме «Вопросы в косвенной речи», где знакомятся с образованием общих и специальных вопросов. Делают заметки в тетрадях).
Have you understood the rule? Let’s clear it up. What is used to make general questions in reported speech?
P: If.
T: What else?
P: The right order of the words.
T: You are right! And what about special questions?
P: Special words and the right order too.
T: Very well! Now let’s practice a bit. Look at the screen. Here is some sentences for you. Your task is to make these questions in Reported speech.

1) Jack asked me: “Do you go to school?” 
Jack asked me __ I ____ to school. 
2) Tom asked Ann: “Did you get a good mark in your English test?” 
    Tom asked Ann __ she ______ a good mark in ___ English test. 
3) Bob asked me: “How old is he?” 
Bob asked me how old ___ ___ . 
4) Jim asked Jill: “Where have you gone?” 
Jim asked Jill where she _______. 
5) Mother told me: “Remember to water the plants” 
Mother told me __________ to water the plants. 
6) John told Tim: “Come with me.” 
John told Tim ______ with ___. 
7) Mum asked son: “Don’t let anyone into the home.” 
Mum asked son ________ anyone into the home. 
8) She orders him: “Don’t lie to me.” 
She orders him _______to ___. 
I see that you are a bit tired. Let’s have a rest.

V. Физкультминутка.
Hands up, hands down, shake, shake,
Stand up on the tiptoes,
Turn around, step aside,
Step left, step right.
(Повторяется несколько раз с ускорением темпа).

VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
The next task is 88, page 81. Your task is to report the conversation.
The key: Boylan asked if his sister had found a job. Rudolph  answered,  keeping  all  information to himself,  that he  didn't know. He said  that he hadn't heard from  her recently. Boylan asked if Rudolph thought she would be successful. Boylan wondered if she  had  talent. Rudolph  answered  that  he  thought  she  had something.

VII. Подведение итогов урока.
What is the word order in the reported questions? Learn the rule at home please. Use the notes in your work books. That bring us to the end.
Did you like the lesson? What new or interesting things did you find out?
I’ll give the following marks … to … 
Домашнее задание.
Учебник: упр. 36 стр.89, упр.86 стр.80 (правило выучить).
The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson, good bye!

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