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Молодежные группировки

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Presentation   Executed : Patoshina J.P. Teacher : Skibina I.V. British punks sitting on Camden Lock Bridge in North London,


Executed : Patoshina J.P.

Teacher : Skibina I.V.

British punks sitting on Camden Lock Bridge in North London,

Introduction.  The punk subculture is based around punk rock. It emerged from the larger rock music scene in the mid-to-late-1970s in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Japan.  The punk movement has spread around the globe and developed into a number of different forms. Punk culture encompasses distinct styles of music, dance, ideologies, fashion, visual art, literature.  Punk also lays claim to a lifestyle and community.  The punk scene is composed of an assortment of smaller subcultures, such as Oil! and pop punk. These subcultures distinguish themselves through unique expressions of punk culture. Several subcultures have developed out of punk to become distinct in their own right, including hardcore, Goth and psycho Billy. The punk movement has had a tumultuous relationship with popular culture, and struggles to resist commercialization and appropriation.


The punk subculture is based around punk rock. It

emerged from the larger rock music scene in the

mid-to-late-1970s in the United Kingdom, the United States,

Canada, Australia, and Japan. The punk movement has

spread around the globe and developed into a number

of different forms. Punk culture encompasses distinct

styles of music, dance, ideologies, fashion, visual art,

literature. Punk also lays claim to a lifestyle and community.

The punk scene is composed of an assortment of smaller

subcultures, such as Oil! and pop punk. These subcultures

distinguish themselves through unique expressions of punk

culture. Several subcultures have developed out of punk to

become distinct in their own right, including hardcore,

Goth and psycho Billy. The punk movement has had a

tumultuous relationship with popular culture, and struggles

to resist commercialization and appropriation.

History .  The punk subculture originated from a number of antecedents and influences. In particular, several strains of modern art anticipated and affected punk. Various writers, books, and literary movements were important to the formation of the punk aesthetic.  Previous youth subcultures also had major influences on punk.  The first ongoing music scene that was assigned the punk label appeared in New York City between 1974 and 1976. Around that same time, a punk scene developed in London. Soon after, Los Angeles became home to the third major punk scene.  These three cities formed the backbone of the burgeoning movement, but there were also other scenes in cities such as Brisbane, and Boston. Two UK punks in a train carriage in 1986; note the hand-stenciled Crass symbol painted on the coat of on the man on the right.

History .

The punk subculture originated from a number of antecedents and

influences. In particular, several strains of modern art anticipated and

affected punk. Various writers, books, and literary movements were

important to the formation of the punk aesthetic. Previous youth

subcultures also had major influences on punk. The first ongoing music

scene that was assigned the punk label appeared in New York City

between 1974 and 1976. Around that same time, a punk scene

developed in London. Soon after, Los Angeles became home to

the third major punk scene. These three cities formed the backbone

of the burgeoning movement, but there were also other scenes in

cities such as Brisbane, and Boston.

Two UK punks in a train carriage in 1986; note the hand-stenciled Crass symbol painted on the coat of on the man on the right.

Music.  The punk subculture is centered around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called punk rock, usually shortened to punk. Different punk subcultures often distinguish themselves by having a unique style of punk rock, although not every style of punk rock has its own associated subculture.  Most punk rock songs are short, have simple and somewhat basic arrangements using relatively few chords, and they use lyrics that express punk values and ideologies ranging from the nihilism of the Sex Pistols'


The punk subculture is centered around listening to recordings

or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music called

punk rock, usually shortened to punk. Different punk subcultures

often distinguish themselves by having a unique style of punk

rock, although not every style of punk rock has its own

associated subculture. Most punk rock songs are short, have

simple and somewhat basic arrangements using relatively few

chords, and they use lyrics that express punk values and

ideologies ranging from the nihilism of the Sex Pistols' "No Future"

to the positive, anti-drug message of Minor Threat's

"Straight Edge". Punk rock is usually played in small bands rather

than by solo artists. Punk bands usually consist of a singer, one

or two overdriven electric guitars, an electric bass player, and a

drummer (the singer may be one of the musicians). In some

bands, the band members may do backup vocals, but these

typically consist of shouted slogans, choruses,

or football (soccer)-style chants, rather than the sweet,

arranged harmony vocals of pop bands.

Crass performs in concert

A band plays on the tiny stage at the Berkeley, California punk venue at 924 Gilman Street.

Ideologies.  Although Punk-related ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom, one needs to understand punk as the working class manifestation of informal anti-establishment sensibility. Common punk views include the DIY ethic, non-conformity, direct action, not selling out, Nihilism or Anarchism. In the US, punks had a different approach to nihilism based on their


Although Punk-related ideologies are mostly

concerned with individual freedom, one needs to

understand punk as the working class manifestation

of informal anti-establishment sensibility. Common

punk views include the DIY ethic, non-conformity,

direct action, not selling out, Nihilism or Anarchism.

In the US, punks had a different approach to

nihilism based on their "unconcern for the present"

and their "disaffection from both middle and working class standards".

Punk nihilism was expressed in the use of "harder, more self-destructive, consciousness-obliterating

substances like heroin, or...methamphetamine" and by the "mutilation of the body" with razor blades.

Punk politics cover the entire political spectrum, although most punks could be categorized as having

left-wing or progressive views. Some punks participate in protests for local, national or global change.

Some trends in punk politics include anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-militarism,

anti -capitalism, anti-racism,, anti-nationalism, anti-homophobia, environmentalism, vegetarianism and

animal rights. However, some individuals within the punk subculture hold right-wing views

(such as the Conservative Punk website), libertarian values, neo-Nazi views (Nazi punk), or are apolitical.

Some offshoots of punk are apolitical, such as psycho Billy, death rock, horror punk, and the Goth

subculture to name a few.

A German punk faces a line of riot police at a 1984 protest.

Fashion .  Some punks style their hair to stand in spikes, cut it into Mohawks or other dramatic shapes, often coloring it with vibrant, unnatural hues. Punks tend to adorn their favorite jacket or vest with pin-back buttons and patches of bands they love and ideas they believe in, telling the world around them a little bit about who they are. They sometimes flaunt taboo symbols such as the Iron Cross. Some early punks occasionally wore clothes displaying a Nazi swastika for shock-value, but most modern punks are staunchly anti-racist and are more likely to wear a crossed-out swastika symbol. In contrast to punks who believe the fashion is a central part of the punk subculture, there are some punks who are decidedly

Fashion .

Some punks style their hair to stand in spikes, cut it into Mohawks or other dramatic shapes, often coloring it with vibrant, unnatural hues. Punks tend to adorn their favorite jacket or vest with pin-back buttons and patches of bands they love and ideas they believe in, telling the world around them a little bit about who they are. They sometimes flaunt taboo symbols such as the Iron Cross. Some early punks occasionally wore clothes displaying a Nazi swastika for shock-value, but most modern punks are staunchly anti-racist and are more likely to wear a crossed-out swastika symbol. In contrast to punks who believe the fashion is a central part of the punk subculture, there are some punks who are decidedly "anti-fashion," arguing that music and/or ideology should define punk, not fashion. This is most common in the post-1980s US hardcore punk scene, where members of the subculture often dressed in t-shirts and jeans, rather than the more elaborate outfits and spiked, dyed hair of their late 1970s UK punk predecessors.



Visual art. A selection of British and American punk zines, 1994-2004

Visual art.

A selection of British and American punk zines, 1994-2004

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

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