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О здоровом питании

описание здоровой еды

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Healthy food Healthy food

Healthy food

Healthy food

I like fruit and vegetables! I eat fruit every day.I like apples , oranges, pears, bananas. Also I eat vegetables for lunch and for dinner. Fresh fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins and minerals.

I like fruit and vegetables!

I eat fruit every day.I like apples , oranges, pears, bananas. Also I eat vegetables for lunch and for dinner. Fresh fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins and minerals.

For growth I eat : For growth I eat eggs , meat and cottage cheese .They rich in proteins.

For growth I eat :

For growth I eat eggs , meat and cottage cheese .They rich in proteins.

Drinks I drink milk and water. Sometimes I fresh juice and green tea. I like coke, but it has a lot of sugar. So, I try to drink coke rarely.


I drink milk and water. Sometimes I fresh juice and green tea.

I like coke, but it has a lot of sugar. So, I try to drink coke rarely.

Unhealthy food: I don’t eat lots of sweet. Sweets have lots of sugar. Sometimes I eat pizza. But it has got fat. You can eat everything, but in moderation.

Unhealthy food:

I don’t eat lots of sweet. Sweets have lots of sugar. Sometimes I eat pizza. But it has got fat. You can eat everything, but in moderation.

You can eat everything, but in moderation!

You can eat everything, but in moderation!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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