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Ситуации к билета на экзамене по английскому языку в 2021 году в Беларуси

Ситуации подойдут для использования в третьем вопросе билета для обсуждения устной темы

Содержимое разработки

Card 1. Accommodation:

1. What types of houses do you know?

2. Is it true that the house reflects the personality of its owner?

3. What is your idea of a dream house/ flat?

4. It’s better to live in the country and work in the city? Do you agree with the statement?

5. “A man’s house is his castle”. Do you agree with the proverb?

Card 2. Education:

1. Is education today a must-have or a necessity?

2. What are the main differences between Belarusian and British educational systems?

3. “I’ve never allowed my schooling to get in the way of my education”. M. Twain. How do you understand these words of a famous writer?

4. What qualities and knowledge should a real professional possess? Does he/ she need English?

5. Reading books is the trend of the past. Do you agree?

Card 3. Environment:

1. What can ordinary people do to make the planet a safe place for themselves and the next generations?

2. Why is the Greenhouse Effect so dangerous for the people?

3. What way of pollution is more disastrous?

4. Why do rare species disappear in the forests all over the world?

5. How did the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station explosion in 1986 affect our lives?

Card 4. Belarus:

  1. Why would you recommend to visit Belarus to a group of tourists?

  2. Why is Belarus called “a blue-eyed country”?

  3. How would you describe our people and their mentality?

  4. With what countries do we have economical relations?

  5. What can be called typically Belarusian?

Card 5.Great Britain:

1. What is the geographical position of the UK?

2. Who is the Prime minister of the UK today and what role does he/she play in the country?

3. What are the capitals of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland?

4. Do the British have any written constitution? Do they have laws?

5. What place would you like to visit in the UK?

Card 6. Science and Modern Technologies:

1. What scientists do you consider to be the most prominent ones to influence the life of humanity?

2. What advantages do we have with the help of new achievements in the field of science?

3. Why are technologies changing all the time?

4. What are technologies you can't live without today?

5. What drawbacks does technological progress bring to people?

Card 7. Art:

1. What do people do with the help of art?

2. What outstanding artists do you know? Are there any Belarusians among them?

3. It's impossible to live without art. Do you agree with the statement?

4. What art would you like to take up?

5. People say that artists become famous only when they're gone? Do you think today the situation is the same?

Card 8. Future Career:

1. What makes a real professional?

2. What profession do you consider to be the most important?

3. Why are jobs connected with IT the best paid ones?

4. What subjects do you study in depth for the sake of your future profession?

5. Is it important to get a job satisfaction?

Card 9. Family:

1. Who do you turn to for a piece of advice in your family?

2. What family traditions do you have?

3. A family without children is like a flower that cannot bloom. Do you agree with the statement?

4. Everything in a child comes from the family. Do you agree with this?

5. Why are there generation gaps in almost all the families?

Card 10. Youth and Society:

1. Why does the government pay attention to the development of the youth?

2. What opportunities do children have to enhance their personalities and develop their skills?

3. The new generation is the reflection of the society. Do you agree with the statement?

4. The elderly are better professionals than the young because they are experienced and wise and the employers should better take on such people instead of the young and inexperienced ones. Do you agree with this?

5. To be successful today young people don't need to study at all. Do you agree with this statement.

Card 11. Mass- Media:

1. What media do you use to find the information you need?

2. Why are mass-media called the fourth power?

3. Will the Internet change all the media we have in the future?

4. Why do all the news programmes end with positive pieces of news?

5. Do you watch news in English? Would you like to if you don't?

Card 12. Mass- Media:

1. What media do you use to find the information you need?

2. Why are mass-media called the fourth power?

3. Will the Internet change all the media we have in the future?

4. Why do all the news programmes end with positive pieces of news?

5. Do you watch news in English? Would you like to if you don't?

Card 13. International Cooperation:

1. What countries are our main economical partners?

2. Why is bad peace better than a good fight?

3. Is it possible for a country not to have any relations with other countries?

4. What international organizations does Belarus take part in?

5. Why does our country have an advantageous geographical position?

Card 14. National character and stereotypes:

1. What are the most common features the Belarusians have?

2. "Typically American". What does it mean?

3. Do stereotypes rule the world?

4. What do most people think of the British?

5. Do all the English- speaking nations differ? What common features do they possess?

Card 15. Outstanding people:

1. Are all the famous people really prominent in terms of history?

2. What qualities should people have to become outstanding?

3. Practice makes perfect. How do you understand the statement?

4. Famous people make the history of their country as well as of that of the world. Do you agree with this statement?

5. In what sphere would you like to become a prominent figure?

Card 16. Tourism:

1. What way of travelling is the most comfortable for you?

2. Have you ever travelled on a hot-air balloon? What are the advantages of this way of travelling?

3. What country/ countries would you like to visit in the future?

4." When in Rome do as the Romans do". How do you understand the saying?

5. Would you like to travel round the world on foot? Why?

Card 17. Accommodation:

1. What types of houses do you know?

2. Is it true that the house reflects the personality of its owner?

3. What is your idea of a dream house/ flat?

4. It’s better to live in the country and work in the city? Do you agree with the statement?

5. “A man’s house is his castle”. Do you agree with the proverb?

Card 18. Family:

1. Who do you turn to for a piece of advice in your family?

2. What family traditions do you have?

3. A family without children is like a flower that cannot bloom. Do you agree with the statement?

4. Everything in a child comes from the family. Do you agree with this?

5. Why are there generation gaps in almost all the families?

Card 19. Future Career:

1. What makes a real professional?

2. What profession do you consider to be the most important?

3. Why are jobs connected with IT the best paid ones?

4. What subjects do you study in depth for the sake of your future profession?

5. Is it important to get a job satisfaction?

Card 20. Belarus:

1. Why would you recommend to visit Belarus to a group of tourists?

2. Why is Belarus called “a blue-eyed country”?

3. How would you describe our people and their mentality?

4. With what countries do we have economical relations?

5. What can be called typically Belarusian?

Card 21. An English-speaking Country:

1. Do all the English-speaking countries speak the same language?

2. What English-speaking country would you like to visit?

3. Why are there so many countries in the world that speak English?

4. What is the flag of Canada like?

5. Why is English spoken in India even today?

Card 22. National character and stereotypes:

1. What are the most common features the Belarusians have?

2. "Typically American". What does it mean?

3. Do stereotypes rule the world?

4. What do most people think of the British?

5. Do all the English- speaking nations differ? What common features do they possess?

Card 23. Youth and Society:

1. Why does the government pay attention to the development of the youth?

2. What opportunities do children have to enhance their personalities and develop their skills?

3. The new generation is the reflection of the society.Do you agree with the statement?

4. The elderly are better professionals than the young because they are experienced and wise and the employers should better take on such people instead of the young and inexperienced ones. Do you agree with this?

5. To be successful today young people don't need to study at all. Do you agree with this statement.

Card 24. Education:

1. Is education today a must-have or a necessity?

2. What are the main differences between Belarusian and British educational systems?

3. “I’ve never allowed my schooling to get in the way of my education”. M. Twain. How do you understand these words of a famous writer?

4. What qualities and knowledge should a real professional possess? Does he/ she need English?

5. Reading books is the trend of the past. Do you agree?

Card 25. Tourism:

1. What way of travelling is the most comfortable for you?

2. Have you ever travelled on a hot-air balloon? What are the advantages of this way of travelling?

3. What country/ countries would you like to visit in the future?

4." When in Rome do as the Romans do". How do you understand the saying?

5. Would you like to travel round the world on foot? Why?

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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Ситуации к билета на экзамене по английскому языку в 2021 году в Беларуси (17.96 KB)

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