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What are your long term goals as an English teacher

I belive education is the driving forse for thenational development.

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What are your long-term goals as a teacher trainer and how will participating in this program bring you closer to accomplishing your goals?

Although it may sound extremely ambiguous, my ultimate goal as a teacher trainer is to contribute to the development of Uzbekistan through this profession. I want to achieve this goal by helping teachers develop better teaching skills and approach educational excellence.

I believe education is the driving force for the national development and economic growth. Education gives people the skills they need to help themselves out of poverty or, in other words, into prosperity. If one got education, then he is able to a better job than a labor’s work. He is able to do a government job or any other private job and can show their skills which are helpful in developing a country. There is huge difference between an educated and uneducated person, an uneducated can’t show his ideas and skills better than an educated person. He is always beyond the educated one. Hence it is of utmost importance for a country that every teacher is well-qualified because only professionally qualified people teachers can produce adequately qualified professionals. Education opens doors to greater levels of wealth, technological advancement, and public policies that permit people to live better to feed themselves better, and to get sick less frequently.

Teachers play an important role in our life to become successful in career and business. A good teacher helps us to become a good human being in society and a good citizen of the country. Teachers know that students are the future of any nation. A student is like soft clay in the hands of his teachers. Students’ minds can be mounded into any shape at a tender age. If taught well by his teacher, he can become an important tool for society. If taught wrong, he can become a weapon of destruction. We have an example today we often see on the news channels. A good teacher attitude reflects upon the students easily. Why, because students meet the teacher every day for many years and replicate his mannerisms and habits. But unfortunately, not all colleges and teachers are good to increase the moral values of students. Few colleges and teachers just teaching for money and students are directed to earn money. These kinds of salary lover teachers drive the career of students on the wrong path. Some of the students from such teachers got the job by the approach of ministers and influencers. This kind of teacher produces corrupt leaders, doctors, and bureaucrats. But good students and well sanskari ones, honest students and intelligent getting a job and starting a business after studying from such great principled teachers. We can’t change these people today. But we can lead and guide the coming generation on the right path.

Teachers can make a big positive difference and contribution to the development of students, society, country, and the world by using creativity, use of spare time and technology. But it’s challenging and tough to make a difference in the world, where most of the things are for marketing and advertising. But if the focus is on the process then it’s easier to do.

Teachers help us to become a good human being. A good human being can contribute to the development of society. A developed society with good people helps others to become successful and happy. That’s why we need great teachers in schools who think about the future of the country.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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